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50337 경상남도 창녕군 장마면 계성장마로 165

Factory1 고객의 가치 창출을 위한 차별화된 플랜트배관 파트너
Shop Drawing부터 Lining까지 플랜트 배관의 Total Solution 제공




factory AREA Capability Painting item
FABRICATION ROOM A 1,875 M² 75m x 25m 25,000 Inch/Month Carbon Piping
FABRICATION ROOM B 1,875 M² 75m x 25m 25,000 Inch/Month Carbon Piping
FABRICATION ROOM C 750 M² 50m x 15m 20,000 Inch/Month SUS / Alloy
PAINT ROOM D 1,250 M² 50m x 25m 500 Ton/Month Piping / Steel structure
SHOT ROOM A/B 500 M² 25m x 20m 500 Ton/Month Piping / Steel structure

    Product fabricated piping

    Building Area 3,750㎡

    Capacity Pipe size : Automated handling, random pipe lengths with diameters from ½” to 140” Material Type : Carbon steel , Stainless steel Inch : 500,000 inch / Year Spool Quantity : 20,000 spools / Year

    Welding equipment Automatic Rotator Machine 8ea Positioner Machine 1ea Gas cutting machine 2ea Bevel machine 2ea