SAMJIN PLANTEC Co., Ltd. has been enjoying a good reputation since 1989 from Customers at home here and abroad for the quality of its products, as well for the service organization that exists to maintain high level of quality.
All concerned members with the greatest enthusiasm are marking every effort to improve our reputation for quality through reasonable quality assurance activities.
For the best quality assurance, it is of the greatest importance that the manual, which contains quality policy and objectives, quality organization, quality requirements, and procedures, should be completely applied.
Quality Assurance Manual
This manual has been developed assurance manager and authorized by the corporate representative and is mandatory for use by all parties concerned within the plant.
The quality assurance manual is the basic document containing company policy and procedures concerning product quality.
This manual prevails over any other documents within the and will be used as the basic guide in performing quality assurance activities.
This manual can be revised partially or entirely by the quality assurance manager.
This revised manual will be reapproved by the original authorized top management.
If the contract exist effectively, the revised manual will be resubmitted to a customer for review of acceptance of The revision.
The quality assurance manager may also assume the following responsibilities regarding the manual :
Issuance of copies to persons in rank up to and including managers in charge of the quality of the products.Serial numbering and writing names of persons for each issued copy.Retention of the list showing to whom the copies were issued.Removal of copies of obsolete sheets and entire volume from previously issued persons.
Quality Policy
Quality Assurance Policy
It is the policy of the plant of SAMJIN PLANTEC Co., Ltd to supply qualified products which are equal to or better than the quality requirements of its customers.
To do this the quality assurance manual is a plant-wide manual to which all department managers have a direct commitment.
The quality assurance manual encompasses all activities of SAMJIN PLANTEC Co., Ltd. from initial negotiation and product development to installation and service of the delivered product.
It is the responsibility of all department personnel to perform their individual tasks in a manner that will assure the quality and reliability of our products.
Each department of the plant is responsible for documenting, implementing, and maintaining internal operating procedures in sufficient detail to meet the requirements of the quality assurance program.
The quality assurance manager is authorized to enforce the quality program as described in this manual.
He will review department procedures to assure their compatibility with the requirements of the quality assurance manual and will conduct audits to assure compliance with these procedures.
When deviations from customer specifications or requirements of the quality assurance manual are found, necessary steps will be taken to correct such non-compliances and prevent their recurrences.
Problems that cannot be resolved in this manner will be brought to the attention of the factory manager for resolution and finally will be reported to the corporate representative.
Then new actions can be taken. The quality assurance manager has the authority to withhold acceptance of purchased materials, in addition to any work in process of finished products which do not meet quality requirements, to keep them from being used until the deficiency is corrected and future compliance is assured.